GEMS Modern Academy Apps

Modern World Debates 1.0
Debating has always held a special placeatModern and over the years with the evolution of this art,ourstudents have redefined what it means to be a moderndebater.This year in addition to attending the Global Young Leaderscoursein England, our students traveled to Nainital and Dehradun,toparticipate in a wide range of inter-school competitions.Closerhome, our participation in Debate Dubai was extremelypraiseworthywith students from the transition years taking tophonours at thekeenly contested competition.However, it was Modern’s victory at the Modern World Debates in2014that will go down as the highlight of the year with our teamofVikram Ajith, Sreyas Narayanan and Pranav Anand bringing homethecoveted trophy. The Modern Debating Society has taken hugestridesthis year with the introduction of a Middle School DebatingClubwhich is run by our teachers and members of the society.The Debating Society provides a platform for students todiscovertheir potential and allows them to speak their mind inanenvironment of critical thought and discussion as theycontemplateon the issues that affect them both as individuals andmembers ofthe global community.Finally, we would like to congratulate our DebatingSocietyPresident Pranav Anand for his selection to the UAE’snationaldebate team. What a wonderful achievement and high note toend theyear on!
Future Frontiers 1.0
As a part of 30th anniversarycelebration, GEMS Modern Academyproudly presents the ScienceConference, “ Future Frontiers.”